Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Spring in the Midwest!

It looks like spring finally arrived here, albeit somewhat hesitantly. For some weeks in a row we have had warm weekends and cooler weeks but at least the bulbs are blooming in our yard. The blue grape hyacinths that we planted 2 years ago are getting nice and full, the eventual goal is too have them growing like a meandering stream of cool blue, bordering the bed at the side of the house.
Grape hyacinhts come in a variety of colors, from sky blue to more azure blue and lavender tones, to white. As you can see there are also some double ones in there that go by the name Muscari Plumosum, their flowers form a compact thick plume.
Combining bulbs with perennials looks wonderful as you can see in the combination of grape hyacinths and Pulmonaria Mrs. Moon with it's spotted leaves and pink/blue flowers.
Last year we planted Poetaz Narcissus Suzy around our small fruit trees. Narcissus are said to keep rodents away from the roots of the trees and at the same time they provide a lovely splash of color in the meadow under the trees.
The peach tree is already in bloom with double the flowers as the first time it bloomed. Whether that will mean peaches this summer is still unknown, but judging from the peaches that are offered on the farmers market here it's not impossible to grow excellent peaches here in Wisconsin.
If this gets your inspiration going for your own spring bulb planting, please contact us through our webstore to pre-order your Muscari's or Daffodils.

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